Procedural Task Analysis in An Outline


Objective: The learner will be able to give a large dog a bath in a bathroom tub.

Definition of Learning: The learner will be able to perfrom the step-by-step process of giving a large dog a bath.

Essential Learning:

I. Prepare for giving dog a bath

A. Get Supplies

1. Purchase dog brush
2. Purchase dog shampoo
3. Gather old towels to use for drying dog and covering floor of bathing area

B. Arrange bathing area

1. Cover floor with old towels
2. Place shampoo near water source where dog will be bathed
3. Place remaining old towels in pile within reach, but as far from water sources as possible
4. Place brush near pile of towels
5. Close doors torooms that you do not want dog to enter while damp

II. Get dog to bathing area

A. Lead dog to bath

1. Secure collar and leash on dog
2. Walk dog to bathing area (you may need dog treats to bribe the dog)

B. Secure the dog in bathing area

1. Close door behind you and dog after entering bathing area

a. Lift/command the dog into bath tub
b. Remove leash and collar from dog

III. Bathe the dog

A. Wet the dog

1. Turn on the water
2. Check the temperature and adjust it until it is luke warm
3. Saturate the dog with water

B. Shampoo the dog

1. Pour shampoo on dog
2. Lather and rub into all parts of the dogs fur vigorously with your hands

C. Rinse the dog

1. Saturate the dog with water
2. Massage water into fur with your hands until all remaining shampoo is washed away
3. Drain remaining water from tub (if applicable)

IV. Dry the dog

A. Reach for the towels and pull closer to you

B. Lift/command dog out of tub

C. Towel dry the dog

1. Place towel on dog's back and rub up and down
2. Repeat step one using dry towels and rubbing different areas of dog

D. When all excess water is off dogand it is essentially damp, put leash and collar on dog

E. Take the dog to area where you would like it to continue drying

F. Give dog a treat


(Credit to Robin Talbot)

Perform a Task Analysis